Our Vicar

Vicar Message
Mat 18:20: ''For where two or three are gathered in my name there am I among them''
Our parish was established in the honour of St Ignatius Elias III, also known as Manjanikkara Bava. May we always ask Bava to help us out in our lives. Let His prayer be our stronghold. Our parish was established through the prayers, initiative, commitment, hard work and sacrifice of a handful of people. The Lord has immensely blessed our congregation and gifted us with far more than we requested. I want to thank Heavenly Father on behalf of the whole parish for blessing us with a beautiful church, members who are always willing to work together, and everyone who has helped and continues to help us improve our church.
We are grateful to God for the ways he is using us to help shape the future of our children and grandchildren by teaching them the traditions and values of the Syrian Orthodox. We have given ourselves over to God Almighty so that He can use us however He wants to honour His name.
Welcome All:
I'd like to welcome you to our church on behalf of our parish, and I hope you'll be able to join us for the Holy Qurbana. Please remember this church and all of its activities in your prayers.

Yours in Christ,
Fr. Nidhin Kuriakose